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The Journey of Following Jesus

Jesus invites us to follow Him, but what does that mean in the 21st century? Following Jesus is a journey, not a destination. In this series, Michael explores the following topics:

  1. Introduction

  2. Embracing the Journey as the Destination

  3. Embracing the Mystery of the Journey

  4. Embracing the Journey of Discovery

  5. Embracing Jesus as the Way

Jesus walking down a beach with a man following him.Jesus walking down a beach with a man following him.
Lord, Teach Us To Pray

Learning to pray effectively and correctly shapes us into mature sons and daughters of God. This series examines how prayer develops us, emphasizing that prayer is fundamentally relational.

  1. Prayer is Relational

  2. Prayer Forms Us

  3. Trust, Submission, Formation

Things I Used To Believe

As a follower of Jesus, I have had to unlearn some erroneous teachings. In this series, I examine several beliefs that I previously held but no longer do.

  1. God is an Angry Judge

  2. Penal Substitutionary Atonement Theory

  3. Spiritual Coverings

  4. Tithing

  5. The Rapture

  6. Seven Mountain Mandate

  7. God Is In Control

Love In The Gospels

In this thought-provoking series, Michael Wilson delves into the intricate exploration of the word "love" as it appears in the four Gospels of the Bible. The overarching objective is to gain a deeper understanding of how to embody love authentically, as it is fundamental for Christians to be recognized by their genuine affection and compassion towards one another.

  1. Introduction

  2. Loving God

  3. Loving Your Neighbor

  4. Love Your Enemies

  5. Love as I Have Loved You

  6. God So Loved

  7. Justice & the Love of God

  8. You Can't Serve Two Masters

  9. Simon, Do You Love Me?

  10. You Were Born To Be Loved

Love In The Gospels

In this series, I ask some thought-provoking questions that cause me to think and wonder.

  1. Is hell going to be more populated than heaven?

  2. What if the woman caught in adultery (John 8) had been a lesbian or a transgender?

  3. What if God is more interested in our relationships being restored than he is of our worship of Him?

The God Defined By Love

If God is love, and love is patient, then God must be patient. Using I Corinthians 13, I look at each of the things that Paul lists as what love is and what love isn't. I then relate those to who God is.

A Study of 1 John

In this series, I go through the epistle of 1 John.